Redesign (nutrients of concern)

Foods surpassing an established threshold of nutrients of concern can not be sold

Integration with Demand - Supply Co-ordination

Foods surpassing an established threshold of nutrients of concern can not be sold

Using the nutrition algorithm discussed under Goal 1, Consumer Information Systems,  foods with a poor rating from excess nutrients of concern  or low levels of important nutrients would be added, as has been partially hydrogenated oils,  to the List of Contaminants and other Adulterating Substances in Foods.  The regulation allows for exceptions and for the established of maximum limits, so  it is possible problematic foods would still be permitted if formulated to be under a maximum tolerable limit.  Presumably the threat of such an action would hasten product reformulation and changes to processing techniques. Current food manufacturer responses, to fortify low nutrient foods as partial compensation for over processing, would not be permitted under the Food and Drugs Act regulations.

Integration with Demand - Supply Co-ordination (DSC)

At this stage, DSC is well underway (see Goal 2) and the supply of nutrients of concern is being reduced, and positive nutrients increased. As with all foods, the challenge of DSC is to reduce or increase supply and demand in a co-ordinated fashion, so nutrients of concern would need to be part of the DSC research and implementation process.

At this stage, the supply of animal fats and canola, corn and soy oils are in decline for reasons related to crop rotation requirements and reductions in animal production, with flax and sunflower oil increasing.  Wheat and barley supplies are declining, while oats and rye have increased.  Milling is now focused on whole grains and legumes.

Fruit, vegetable and nut production would increase based on rising demand, as discussed under Goal 2.

Canada is currently the world's 4th largest salt producer (extracted in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Québec, Ontario and Saskatchewan), though much of it currently goes for road salting and industrial applications.  Although we can meet current domestic needs with existing production, there is significant north-south trade with the US to reduce the costs of east-west transport (Canadian Encyclopedia).  The challenge in a DSC context would be to shift out of US supply based on regional transportation efficiencies (see also Goal 5, Sustainable Transportation).  Presumably road salt use would also decline because of its negative effects on ecosystems, so there would be an overall reduction in salt demand which would require progressive reductions in supply to keep prices relatively stable.

Canada has a small domestic sugar production industry, with 6% coming from sugar beets in southern Alberta.  The rest is from imported  sugar cane, refined in facilities in Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal.  Two firms dominate the sugar trade (Canadian Sugar Institute).  The sugar beet industry would be retained, albeit with greater environmental performance demands upon it, and a shift out of GE varieties (see Goal 4) while sugar cane imports would be restricted.  Canada already has custom tariffs on refined sugar products from certain countries (see Instruments, Taxes), so these would be applied across a wider range of raw and processed products and countries, and with higher tariff rates, as appropriate with reductions in consumption.